The True Mystery of Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker’s Life

Find the true story of the Pascagoula Abduction, where Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker claimed a terrifying alien encounter in 1973. A mystery that remains unsolved.

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The True Mystery of Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker’s Life
Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker

The Pascagoula Alien Abduction: The True Mystery of Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker’s Life

The Pascagoula abduction incident is one of the most shocking and well-documented encounters with aliens. On the evening of October 11, 1973, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker (who were fishing on the banks of the Pascagoula River in Mississippi) claimed that they had a violent run in with alien beings. Their account of the event is puzzling; it is said that they were reportedly frozen in time, examined, and later returned to where they were abducted from. For decades, their story has left baffled researchers trying to make sense of it all. Their testimonies have a high amount of accuracy, including corroborative evidence such as lie-detector tests and independent eyewitness accounts. These accounts make this case impossible to ignore. 

This article focuses on the events of that very night, includes the following investigations, and sheds light on what remains enigmatic about the Pascagoula abduction.

Table of Contents:-

The Night of October 11, 1973

Charles Hickson, who was 42 years of age at the time, along with Calvin Parker, who was 19 years of age, worked together at a shipyard located in Pascagoula. After work, both decided to do some fishing at an old, abandoned shipyard close to the Pascagoula River. While fishing, the two men saw a blue light reflecting off the water. When they looked up, they saw a metallic craft hovering 40 feet away. It was roughly 30 to 40 feet long and it was 8 to 10 feet tall.

A door opened on the craft, revealing three strange beings who started floating towards them. These beings appeared to be somewhere between humans and machines. They seemed to possess small claw hands, while the rest were humanoid. They had grey, wrinkled skin with protrusions like carrots for ears and small heads, which gave them a robotic or artificial look. While Hickson and Parker tried to escape, an invisible force stopped them in their tracks and restrained them.

The Unfolded Mysteries

The duo reported later that these alien entities lifted them into their craft. Inside, Hickson allegedly stated that he underwent a rigorous examination. As per his recollection, he had a large robotic eye entity scanning his body, while claiming to lie in a bright room. It appeared to him as though the creatures did not speak, however, translation was done either with telepathy or some kind of robotic speech.

Parker on the other hand was almost catatonic with fear and memory fogged for the most part. He did remember the horrid fear stemming from the experience. In hindsight, he does remember the tube floating and his body being analyzed, but one side is where Parmker’s memories are foggy.

Subsequent Test

Both men reported feelings of shock after being lifted off the bank of the river, these feelings dissipated after an undisclosed time. He stated that the craft hovered for a brief period before disappearing into the night sky.

Though Hickson and Parker stated they did feel dread in being ridiculed, reporting the incident was something they had decided on. They reported to the Jackson sheriff’s department, which heard them out and set them to explain what happened. Sheriff Fred Diamond and Captain Glenn Ryder did express skepticism at first but tempered it with thorough inquiry into their story.

Authorities placed them in a controlled environment with a concealed microphone to confirm or disconfirm their account. Their initial assumptions were that if the subjects were telling a pre-planned lie, they would most likely act as if everything was alright when left to themselves. To their surprise, the recording showed the subjects with genuine fear and confusion regarding the events that had just unfolded. Particularly, Parker seemed to be

Parker in particular was traumatized on the tape, repeating, “I want to go home,” over and over. This off-the-record footage served as one of the most powerful pieces of evidence to support their case. 

Public View and Investigations

The news was shocking and therefore circulated quickly, both on a local and national level. As it made the headlines, sceptics dismissed it as a hoax, however, many were still baffled by the honesty found within Hickson and Parker’s claim. Skeptical of this account, multiple investigations were launched that included:

  • Lie Detector Tests: Hickson was the first to submit to the polygraph and he passed. Parker declined at first because he still seemed somewhat traumatized, but, many years later, took a test and his results indicated that he was telling the truth.
  • Crosschecking Eyewitness Accounts: Years later, different eyewitnesses appeared claiming they had seen a strange craft in the sky that night. In 2019, several retired witnesses, among them a former military officer, claimed they viewed a UFO that fit the description given by Hickson and Parker.

Skepticism and Alternative Explanations 

Even with the solid evidence, skeptical people have put out alternative reasons for such phenomena.

  • Hallucination or Sleep Paralysis: Some theorists have suggested that stress or fatigue might have caused a hallucination. This does not, however, account for why both men would have the same experience at precisely the same time.
  • Elaborate Hoax: Detractors argue it was simply a publicity stunt. However, neither Hickson nor Parker appeared to be in a situation to profit from this and their distress seemed very real.
  • Government Conspiracy: Others have posited that the two may have witnessed some undisclosed military apparatus and assumed it belonged to aliens.  

Regardless of those ideas, no one can account for all aspects of this case and make complete sense of it.  

Life After the Abduction 

Both men had troubles coping with the consequences stemming from the incident. 

  • Charles Hickson became a fierce campaigner for Disclosure. He wrote books, gave interviews and maintained his position until he died in 2011.
  • On the other hand, Calvin Parker tried to keep a low profile and dealt with extreme anxiety. For the first time in detail, he spoke publicly of his experience in 2018, confirming that he had undergone yet another hypnosis session that corroborated his memories. 

In 2019, a historical plaque was erected next to the location of the supposed abduction to mark it as a part of UFO lore. 

The Mystery Remains

The Pascagoula Abduction is still considered one of the best documented cases of UFO sightings in history. Unlike most other instances, Hickson and Parker’s accounts were not driven by a desire for fame or wealth. Rather, it seems that it’s a true case of the brutally frightening event that they experienced but had no means to rationalize or make sense of. 

What remains unsolved, however, is the truth behind the Pascagoula Abduction and what lies underneath decades of investigation. Where are Hickson and Parker true victims of a sophisticated joke? A psychological trick? A Government test? A case of legitimate extraterrestrial contact? 

The enigma persists until irrefutable evidence comes to light and promises to make the Pascagoula Abduction one of the most captivating accounts in UFO history.

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